Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Do you ever feel like you never get anything acomplished. I mean you plan to do things, make a list and a year later it hasn't done. When I told people I was going vegan, Nobody believed me. I can't blame them I not so sure I believed me to be honest. I remember hearing this statistic when I was a teenager that anything that you wanna change in your life wheather its being overwieght a smoker anything that if you change by the age of 25 you are more likely for the change to stick. I kept that in the back of my mind. On my twenty-five birthday I was scared and motivated enough to make changs. Earlier that year my grandmother died of cancer and two years piror my great-grandmother died from complications related to heart disease. I turned 25 on june 8 2012 and a few week later I changed my life. It started out being just about wieght and as I begin to make changes it became about finding enough self love to change everything. Everything I didn't like...

This blog wont just be about wieght loss or fashion it will about a complete lifestyle change. one I am in the process of right now


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